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Planning exhibitions
Contre Jour , Facing the Light 70x70 oil on canvas.

This week I met up with my fellow artist at the Control Tower at Greenham, we are having a joint exhibition there during West Berkshire & North Hampshire open studios 7th-20th May. More exhibitions are planned along with entries to open exhibitions.
Currently there are three of my larger paintings at Andwells Brewery which is near Hook Hampshire, Contre Jour, Gentle Sun and one of my favourites Drifting Towards Autumn.
Later in the week having a trip to see what the paintings look like with a friend,then going for a sketching walk to a nearby ancient small church and have a look at the landscape.
Gentle Sun -Chase the Clouds Away  90x90x4cm.
Drifting Towards Autumn 80x80x4 cm. oil on canvas